VIII. Hungarian Mid-Amateur Open – 4-6 September 2020 IMPORTANT CHANGES

According to Government Decree 408/2020 (VIII.30.), the Hungarian Government will close its borders to foreigners from September 1, re-introducing the border protection measures in force during the first wave of the coronavirus epidemic, amid fears of a second coronavirus wave.

For further information please contact:
Tamas Revesz

00 36 70 3347 317

We are happy to inform all golf players that the 8th Hungarian Mid-Amateur Open Golf Championship will take place at Zalacsány, on a Robert Trent Jones Jr. designed golf course between 4th and 6th of September.

World Amateur Golf Ranking point (WAGR) is awarded on the Open Championship.

The organizers are waiting for applications of golfers aged 30+ on the following link:

The conditions, the hard card, the local rules, the venue, the accommodation offers, and later the tee-times and live score links can be reached here:

also available in Hungarian here:

Why is it worth registering for one of the most popular MidAm events in Central & Eastern Europe?

  • during the Championship 3 St. Andrews qualified golf referee and 4 forecaddies will help the game of the players
  • the venue is waiting for you with an excellent golf course and a superb service in the clubhouse
  • on Thursday you are welcome to the Opening Ceremony & Dinner
  • on Friday and Saturday golf clinic is available based on registration
  • on Friday a special party will be organized in the evening
  • on Saturday you are invited for a wine tasting & grill party
  • on Sunday a light lunch is provided after the round

All above-mentioned programs are included in the registration fee, which can be paid on the venue before the 1st day of the Championship.

Összes hír