New restrictive measures to come into force

Az of 10th November the Hungarian government introduced tougher restrictive measures in an effort to curb the spread of coronavirus as hospitals may struggle to handle the growing case load.

According to Government Decree 484/2020. (XI. 10.) the government extended the curfew introduced earlier to be in force between 8pm and 5am, and restrict opening hours of shops and other businesses starting at midnight on Tuesday, in measures similar to those in force in Austria.

The measures will be imposed for 30 days, and will be reassessed afterwards. All gatherings will be prohibited and restaurants will be closed except for home deliveries, he said. Company canteens will stay open. Shops and services such as hair salons will have to close at 7pm, and hotels will only be allowed to receive business travellers but no tourists.

No more than ten people will be allowed to gather at private events or family gatherings, and sporting events will be held behind closed doors. Universities and secondary schools above the eighth grade will return to digital education while facilities for children under the age of 14 will remain open. Hospital employees, school and kindergarten teachers and nursery employees will be tested weekly.

For further updated information please visit About Hungary.

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